4,137 research outputs found

    Escolas brasileiras no Japão: Uma análise a partir do contexto migratório

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    Apesar dos brasileiros estarem no Japão há aproximadamente três décadas, estes ainda não se integraram à sociedade japonesa. Recrutados para suprir o mercado de mão-de-obra barata, em empregos recusados pelos japoneses, os brasileiros desenvolvem extensas jornadas nas fábricas o que contribui para o afastamento do convívio familiar. O pouco tempo dispensado no acompanhamento da educação dos filhos, somado a uma identidade “temporária”, acarretam em problemas no aprendizado e na formação da identidade cultural das crianças. A barreira cultural, amparada por políticas sociais que não reconhecem os estrangeiros como imigrantes, favoreceram o surgimento de escolas brasileiras, como uma alternativa para a educação dessas crianças no Japão. Aqui apresentamos um panorama destas instituições, analisando e discutindo alguns dos principais problemas que influenciaram e continuam a influenciar na educação e que se encontram estruturados pela complexidade deste fenômeno migratório

    Quantum Electro and Chromodynamics treated by Thompson's heuristic approach

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    In this work we apply Thompson's method (of the dimensions and scales) to study some features of the Quantum Electro and Chromodynamics. This heuristic method can be considered as a simple and alternative way to the Renormalisation Group (R.G.) approach and when applied to QED-lagrangian is able to obtain in a first approximation both the running coupling constant behavior of alpha(mu) and the mass m(mu).The calculations are evaluated just at d_c=4, where d_c is the upper critical dimension of the problem, so that we obtain the logarithmic behavior both for the coupling alpha and the excess of mass Delta m on the energy scale mu. Although our results are well-known in the vast literature of field theories,it seems that one of the advantages of Thompson's method, beyond its simplicity is that it is able to extract directly from QED-lagrangian the physical (finite) behavior of alpha(mu) and m(mu), bypassing hard problems of divergences which normally appear in the conventional renormalisation schemes applied to field theories like QED. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is also treated by the present method in order to obtain the quark condensate value. Besides this, the method is also able to evaluate the vacuum pressure at the boundary of the nucleon. This is done by assumming a step function behavior for the running coupling constant of the QCD, which fits nicely to some quantities related to the strong interaction evaluated through the MIT-bag model.Comment: RevTex, 25 pages, no figure

    Diversity of the arthropod fauna in organically grown garlic intercropped with fodder radish.

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    The cultivation of garlic faces several problems, which include pest attack, and the diversification of habitat through intercropping with attractive plants comes up as a method to pest management. The objective of this research was to verify the effect of the association of garlic with fodder radish on richness, abundance and diversity of arthropods under organic production system in Lavras, MG, Brazil. The treatments were composed of garlic in monoculture and garlic in association with fodder radish, in plots of 40 garlic plants, intercropped or not with two lines of fodder radish. Weekly, 25 samples were collected for a period of 10 weeks (n=250). Species accumulation curves, species richness, abundance, and diversity index were determined, and T or Mann-Whitney tests were used for analysis. The 250 samples collected were sufficient to register the majority of species present in garlic. Richness and abundance were higher in diversified garlic whereas diversity was higher in monoculture. Diversified system increased the overall richness of phytophagous species and parasitoids. The abundance of T. tabaci decreased, while increased the presence of A. fabae, demonstrating that the association was potentially beneficent to the culture. The possible reasons for these results are discussed, and future works should focus in the ecological mechanisms involved in crop diversification of organic garlic

    Phytosociology and diametric estructure of Taquara gallery forest, at IBGE ecological reserve, DF

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    (Florística e estrutura na mata do Taquara, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, DF). As matas de Galeria, apesar de legalmente protegidas, vêm sendo sistematicamente substituídas visando a outras finalidades. As árvores (DAP³ 5 cm) na mata de Galeria do córrego do Taquara, na Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, no Distrito Federal, foram amostradas pelo método de quadrantes, com 250 pontos, dispostos em linhas estabelecidas ao longo do comprimento do córrego, desde as margens até os limites entre a mata e o cerrado. A amostragem de 1.000 árvores resultou na composição florística, na fitossociologia e na distribuição dos diâmetros dos troncos. No total foram amostradas 110 espécies de 49 famílias. O índice de diversidade de Shannon & Wiener foi estimado em 4,25 nats.ind-1. As famílias mais importantes foram: Leguminosae (lato sensu), Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Euphorbiaceae e Sapindaceae, enquanto as espécies principais foram: Tapirira guianensis, Copaifera langsdorffii, Lamanonia ternata, Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Piptocarpha macropoda, Alibertia macrophylla, Matayba guianensis, Pera glabrata, Guettarda viburnioides e Ixora warmingii. As estimativas da densidade e da área basal total foram de 1.573 árvores.ha-1, e 38,5 m².ha-1 respectivamente. A distribuição diamétrica indicou uma curva tendendo para o `J' invertido, evidenciando os baixos níveis de distúrbios ocorridos na mata. Uma comparação florística conduzida entre 21 matas de Galeria no Distrito Federal apontou a mata do Taquara como uma área rica, com 110 (29,1%) das 378 espécies listadas e similaridade de Sørensen variando entre 0,34 e 0,80, nas matas incluídas.(Floristics and structure of the, IBGE, Federal District, Brazil). Despite been protected by law gallery forests have been systematically replaced by other uses. The study focused on the Taquara gallery forest within the Ecological Reserve of the "Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística" in the Federal District, Central Brazil. One thousand trees (DBH ³ 5cm) were recorded using the point centered-quarter (PCQ) method. A total of 250 sampling points were established in sampling lines from the stream margins to the forest-cerrado border and distributed from the head to the mouth of the stream. The floristic composition, phytosociology and diameter distribution were analyzed. One hundred and ten species of 49 families were found. The most important families were: Leguminosae, Rubiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Euphorbiaceae e Sapindaceae, while the most important species were: Tapirira guianensis, Copaifera langsdorffii, Lamanonia ternata, Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Piptocarpha macropoda, Alibertia macrophylla, Matayba guianensis, Pera glabrata, Guettarda viburnioides e Ixora warmingii. Density and basal area were estimated as 1573 trees.ha-1 and 38.5 m².ha-1 respectively. Diameter distribution indicated a tendency to an inverted `J' curve revealing low levels of disturbance in this gallery forest. A floristic comparison with 21 gallery forests in the Federal District indicated Taquara gallery forest as a rich site including 110 (29,1%) of the 378 species recorded and Sørensen similarities ranging from 0,34 to 0,80 within the studied forests

    Comparison among gallery forests in the Federal District (Brazil) and the effectiveness of the Brazilian legislation on protecting its tree diversity

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    Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar padrões de distribuição espacial de árvores em três matas de galeria (Pitoco, Monjolo e Taquara), na Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, no Distrito Federal. As três matas de galeria são representantes de comunidades vegetais extremamente importantes e ameaçadas, que são relacionadas com a manutenção da "saúde" do ambiente e com a oferta e qualidade de água na região. As espécies arbóreas (DAP ≥ 5cm) foram amostradas nas três matas usando-se o método de quadrantes, desde as margens dos córregos até as bordas com o cerrado, com um total de 250 pontos de amostragem em cada mata de galeria. A análise de classificação pelo TWINSPAN evidenciou comunidades florísticas peculiares de cada sítio, denominadas como "úmida", "intermediária" e "seca". As relações florísticas e estruturais entre as matas de galeria e suas comunidades foram investigadas pela análise de agrupamento (UPGMA), que reforçou o modelo da forte associação entre as comunidades e o regime de umidade nos solos. Há uma relação florística e estrutural mais forte entre comunidades de diferentes matas, sob regime similar de umidade nos solos, do que entre as comunidades úmida e seca em uma mesma mata. A análise sugere que a legislação brasileira (LEI 7.511 de 7/7/1986) não é efetiva para a proteção da diversidade arbórea das matas de galeria.This study was carried out to discover patterns in tree spatial distribution in three gallery forests (Pitoco, Monjolo and Taquara), within the IBGE Ecological Reserve, in the Federal District, in Central Brazil. The three gallery forests are representative of the endangered vegetation formation, which is closely related to the maintenance of the volume and quality of the water supply in the region. Tree species (DBH ≥ 5cm) were recorded using the Point Centred-Quarter (PCQ) method, from the stream margins to the forest-cerrado border, totalling 250 sampling points in each gallery forest. Classification by TWINSPAN highlighted floristic communities peculiar of each site, referred to as "moist", "intermediate" and "dry". The floristic links between the galleries and their communities were investigated by cluster analysis (UPGMA), which reinforced the model of a strong association between communities and soil moisture regime. In fact there was a stronger relationship between communities from areas of similar soil moisture, at different stream locations, than between "wet" and "dry" communities within the same stream. The analysis suggests that the Brazilian legislation (Law 7.511 of 7/7/ 1986) does not effectivelly protects the whole gallery forests woody diversity